Potential psychological and attitudinal markers for luxury consumption among Chinese and Canadian consumers
Rochen, F.; Chen, Y.; Liu, T. C.; Gao, M.
Source Publication2021 GFMC/KSMS International Conference at Seoul Proceedings
Publication PlaceSeoul, Korea
PublisherGlobal Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations, ISSN 2288-825X
AbstractPurpose- This study investigated how consumers’ psychological dispositions (materialism, extrinsic motivation and covert narcissism) influence attitudes (value-expressive function) and purchase intentions of luxury brands. A comparison between Canadian and Chinese consumers regarding their psychological dispositions and attitudes towards luxury was also conducted. Design/methodology/approach- A questionnaire survey was conducted using snowball sampling. The sample size is 201, which includes 93 respondents from Canada and 108 from China. Regression analyses, bootstrapping, and One-way ANOVA analyses were used to test the hypotheses. Findings- The findings reveal that consumers’ psychological dispositions significantly impact attitudes and purchase intentions of luxury brands. Consumers’ attitude mediates the effects of psychological dispositions on purchase intention. Chinese also scored significantly higher on materialism, extrinsic motivation and value-expressive function than Canadian consumers. Contribution/Novelty of the research- This study enriches the current literature by providing research findings about the consumption of luxury products in eastern countries. It also provides a comparison of consumers’ psychological dispositions and consumers’ attitudes in the Western and Asian contexts.
KeywordMaterialism extrinsic motivation covert narcissism value-expressive function luxury brand purchase intention
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The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID62294
Document TypeConference paper
Corresponding AuthorLiu, T. C.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Rochen, F.,Chen, Y.,Liu, T. C.,et al. Potential psychological and attitudinal markers for luxury consumption among Chinese and Canadian consumers[C], Seoul, Korea:Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations, ISSN 2288-825X, 2021.
APA Rochen, F.., Chen, Y.., Liu, T. C.., & Gao, M. (2021). Potential psychological and attitudinal markers for luxury consumption among Chinese and Canadian consumers. 2021 GFMC/KSMS International Conference at Seoul Proceedings.
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