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Orthogonal Polynomials, Bi-Confluent Heun equations and semi-classical weight
Wang, D.; Zhou, M.; Chen, Y.
Source PublicationJournal of difference equations and applications

In this paper, we focus on four weights ω(z,s) = zλe−N(z+s(z2−z)), where z ∈ (0,∞), λ > −1, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, N > 0; ω(z, t) = zλe−z2+tz, where z ∈ (0,∞), λ > −1, t ∈ R; ω(z, t1) = e−z2 (A + Bθ (z − t1)), with z ∈ R, A ≥ 0, A + B ≥ 0, B = 0, where θ (z) is the Heaviside step function; and ω(z) = |z| αe−N(z2+s(z4−z2)), with z ∈ R, α > −1, N > 0, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1. The second-order differential equations satisfied by Pn(z), the degree-n polynomials orthogonal with respect to each of these weights, are shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the bi-confluent Heun equations as n → ∞. In most cases, a parameter other than n must simultaneously be sent to a limiting value.

KeywordHeun Equations Orthogonal Polynomials
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
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Document TypeJournal article
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GB/T 7714
Wang, D.,Zhou, M.,Chen, Y.. Orthogonal Polynomials, Bi-Confluent Heun equations and semi-classical weight[J]. Journal of difference equations and applications, 2020, 1000-1012.
APA Wang, D.., Zhou, M.., & Chen, Y. (2020). Orthogonal Polynomials, Bi-Confluent Heun equations and semi-classical weight. Journal of difference equations and applications, 1000-1012.
MLA Wang, D.,et al."Orthogonal Polynomials, Bi-Confluent Heun equations and semi-classical weight".Journal of difference equations and applications (2020):1000-1012.
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