2nd Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2015
Tan, K.; Rai, N.; Parsania, C.; Wong, M.L.; Wong, K. H.
Source Publication2nd Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2015
Publication PlaceMacau
AbstractProtein kinases are central regulators of almost all cellular processes, which accounts for 1.5-2.5% of the eukaryote genomes. Mis-regulation of kinases can lead to adverse effects. 30% of human kinases are implicated in various diseases; hence, kinases are targets of many therapies. In silico analysis of kinase orthologues reveals that fungi share a large set of common kinases. A collection of deletion mutants for ninety-nine non-essential kinases is available for Aspergilus nidulans, a well-established research model for filamentous fungi. A. nidulans belongs to the Ascomycete lineage, which includes many species with important medical, industrial, agricultural and ecological significance. As kinases are central players for most cellular activities, kinase functions must play critical roles in survival of saprophytic fungi in the wild, in efficient productions of antibiotics, secondary metabolites, enzymes, food, etc. by industrial fungi as well as in virulence of human and plant fungal pathogens. In this study, we aim to apply a systematic and affordable transcription profiling strategy on the kinase mutant collection to map the physiological roles of individual kinases in order to gain a global understanding of the kinome in this model fungus. As kinase functions are often highly conserved, we reason that our findings will also provide valuable information to understanding the kinome of other medically, industrially and agriculturally important fungi.
KeywordSystematic whole-genome transcription profiling analysis
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID14771
Document TypeConference paper
Faculty of Health Sciences
Corresponding AuthorWong, K. H.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Tan, K.,Rai, N.,Parsania, C.,et al. 2nd Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2015[C], Macau, 2015.
APA Tan, K.., Rai, N.., Parsania, C.., Wong, M.L.., & Wong, K. H. (2015). 2nd Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2015. 2nd Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2015.
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