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'A Surplus of Signification'": the Problems of Ontology in Derrida's Deconstruction of the Saussurean Sign
Gibson, M.I.
Source PublicationCritical Engagements: A Journal of Criticism and Theory
ISSN1754 - 0984
AbstractGibson argues that the presence/being divide involved in Derrida’s deconstruction of the Saussurean sign contains an unwitting self-contradiction on Derrida’s part that entails him ignoring the being of the word as sensuous object (quite apart from its relation to an inferred signified), which error leads him to restate solipsism through the guise of a hermeneutic argument. Gibson furthermore demonstrates that there is an argument concerning the presence and being of the word object in Husserl’s Logical Investigations which Derrida conveniently ignores in order to assume that the sensuous presence of the signifier is understood as presenting immediately the ideal being of the signified in Husserl’s concept of expressive signs.
KeywordDerrida Saussure ontology Deconstruction.
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID11335
Document TypeJournal article
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Gibson, M.I.. 'A Surplus of Signification'": the Problems of Ontology in Derrida's Deconstruction of the Saussurean Sign[J]. Critical Engagements: A Journal of Criticism and Theory, 2012, 13-29.
APA Gibson, M.I..(2012). 'A Surplus of Signification'": the Problems of Ontology in Derrida's Deconstruction of the Saussurean Sign. Critical Engagements: A Journal of Criticism and Theory, 13-29.
MLA Gibson, M.I.."'A Surplus of Signification'": the Problems of Ontology in Derrida's Deconstruction of the Saussurean Sign".Critical Engagements: A Journal of Criticism and Theory (2012):13-29.
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