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Leading with mindfulness: Exploring the relation of mindfulness with leadership behaviours, styles, and development
Reb, J; Sim, S; Chintakananda, K; & Bhave, D
Source PublicationMindfulness in Organizations: Foundations, Research, and Applications
PublisherCambridge University Press

A recent Forbes article stated that “Mindfulness is hot right now – Hollywood hot, Davos hot, Main Street hot … For business leaders, encouraging mindfulness is more than just being tuned in; it's a strategy to improve person and company-wide performance and productivity” (Bruce 2014). Leadership is a perennially trendy topic, and its fusion with mindfulness creates a combination of potential über-trendiness. But is this hype justified? Our endeavour in this chapter is to elaborate on the connections between mindfulness and leadership. A related goal is to take a critical look: generally both mindfulness and leadership are viewed in a positive light. Although “leadership” evokes ideas of strengths and charisma, transformation, and achievement. Yet at the same time, a “dark side” of leadership and leaders also surfaces in the form of leader arrogance, hubris, cronyism, abusive supervision, and outright dictatorships.

KeywordMindfulness Leadership
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
Document TypeBook chapter
Corresponding AuthorReb, J
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Reb, J,Sim, S,Chintakananda, K,et al. Leading with mindfulness: Exploring the relation of mindfulness with leadership behaviours, styles, and development[M]. Mindfulness in Organizations: Foundations, Research, and Applications:Cambridge University Press, 2015, 256-284.
APA Reb, J., Sim, S., Chintakananda, K., & & Bhave, D (2015). Leading with mindfulness: Exploring the relation of mindfulness with leadership behaviours, styles, and development. Mindfulness in Organizations: Foundations, Research, and Applications, 256-284.
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