UM  > Faculty of Education
Chan, K. K.
Source PublicationProceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
AbstractDeveloping positive attitudes towards Mathematics is one of the goals of mathematics education. It has the potential to increase students’ motivation and engagement in classroom which in turns may boost students’ academic achievement. Few studies have explored the attitudes of primary students’ attitudes towards Mathematics especially in the context of Macau. This study aims to understand primary students’ attitudes towards Mathematics by investigating their pattern among different grade levels. It also studies the relationship between their subject attitude and school performance. One hundred and ninety eight primary students participated in the study. These students composing of grade four, five and six are from two schools in Macau. The instrument used is adapted from the Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory developed by Tapia and March (2004). Descriptive statistics of students’ Mathematic attitudes are computed. Analysis of variance with grade as independent variable and attitudes towards Mathematics as dependent variable are computed. Students’ responses in various constructs of attitudes towards Mathematics such as the value, enjoyment, motivation and confidence are above average score. Primary students appear to have positive attitudes towards Mathematics. There a significant difference of attitudes towards Mathematics among grade level. Sex difference appears in the construct of enjoyment and confidence while there is no difference in the aspect of motivation and value.Results obtained provide teachers evidence or references for improving their classroom teaching practice. Teachers put more effort in constructing a classroom experience which female students may be more engaging so as to develop their confidence in this subject.
Keywordattitudes towards Mathematics
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID8677
Document TypeConference paper
CollectionFaculty of Education
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
APA Chan, K. K..(2012). PRIMARY STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS MATHEMATICS. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education.
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