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Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English
Qin, J.; Xu, J.
Source PublicationChinese Lexical Semantics
Publication PlaceCham, Switzerland
AbstractSluicing refers to a certain type of compound sentence in which one clause is a wh question where all sentential elements, but the wh-phrase itself alone, are omitted. In semantic interpretation, a sluicing sentence is comparable to a full wh interrogative. The study of sluicing sentence involves several important aspects of syntactic theory. Zhang and Xu once offer a unified account of sluicing in Chinese and English from the perspective of predicative Empty Category ([1]). It is noted in this article that one important issue still remains to be resolved regarding the similarities and differences between Chinese and English in sluicing: What remains after deletion in English is the wh-phrase only, but there must be a copular verb going with the retained wh-phrase in Chinese. As the major new viewpoint articulated in this article, the above cross-linguistic contrast is illustrated to more principally explainable by appealing to the theory of focus rather than by using ad hoc stipulations.
KeywordSluicing focus Chinese English similarity difference
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID49943
Document TypeBook chapter
CollectionFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Corresponding AuthorXu, J.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Qin, J.,Xu, J.. Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English[M]. Chinese Lexical Semantics, Cham, Switzerland:Springer, 2020, 810-820.
APA Qin, J.., & Xu, J. (2020). Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English. Chinese Lexical Semantics, 810-820.
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