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An examination of public relations education in China
Chen, N.
AbstractMuch as their western counterparts, the Chinese PR educators face an ever-lasting challenge as to how best to provide PR education, training the future PR practitioners. Defined and restrained by its unique historical, cultural, political and economic contexts, the PR education in China seemingly carries its own features and characteristics. Public relations remains as a young but fast growing industry in China. It was introduced into China in early 1980s after political and economic changes in the late 1970s paved the way for this western concept and practice to take a hold in China (1996, Chen). The incorporation of public relations into the curricula of Chinese higher education institutions (HEI) is almost as young as its adoption as a professional practice. From a pedagogical perspective, the fast expansion of public relations as a teaching field in a country that has seen rapid economic growth entails a series of academically significant issues. Among them are, but not limited to: standards of teaching and learning, institutional support and quality assurance, faculty development, teaching strategies, pedagogical practice, quality of learning, and impact of new media. This study serves as a general survey of how PR courses are being taught in Chinese colleges; and the findings help generate interesting and important insights into the ongoing debate on public relations pedagogy.
Keywordpublic relations education China PR curriculum
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID53313
Document TypeReport
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Chen, N.. An examination of public relations education in China, 2019.
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