Status | 已發表Published |
公共關係在中國: 三十年的觀察與研究 | |
Alternative Title | Public Relations in China: Thirty Years of Observation and Research |
Chen, N.![]() | |
Subtype | 著Authored |
2021 | |
Publisher | 香港城市大学出版社 |
Publication Place | 香港 |
Abstract | 三十而立, 中國內地公共關係自西方引入三十餘年, 發展方興日盛。中西文化迴然不同, 西方公關理論是如何在中國演進,並與本土環境調和及轉化?而在中國公共關係的實踐上,這些概念是否適用至今? 本書結集作者三十年來於不同時期的研究成果,嚴謹剖析西方公關模式與中國公關實踐的相關領域、理論和議題,藉以再現公關在中國發展的曲折歷程。作者一方面以傳播學的「擴散理論」探究公共關係引入中國的路徑,另一方面檢視西方「企業公共關係學」和「政府公共關係學」如何與中國公關實踐相調適,為公共關係國際化、全球化及本土化的爭議展開嶄新的延伸。 本書反思中國公共關係的發展,理論與案例並重,書中特定歷史背景下進行的研究分析,如北京奧運、上海世博會等大型國際活動與國家形象塑造的關係;應對公共危機時危機公關理論對內地政府實踐的適用意義;華為和中華電力的企業社會責任傳播比較,以及訴訟公關是否有助企業扭轉形象及信用危機等, 不但有助任職於企業、政府與非政府組織的公關從業人員,加深對公關原則、規律及新興領域的理解與實踐,研究所涉的議題, 對大中華地區傳播學和公關專業的大專院校師生,更極具教學及研究的參考價值,同時有助大衆瞭解方興未艾的公關行業的發展趨勢。 It takes at least 30 years to be established, a Chinese saying goes. And, it has been over 30 years since the first introduction of public relations (PR) from the west into China as a professional and academic field. Given the culturally-bound differences, how have the western-originated PR theories, models, concepts and practice been evolved in China? How did they become accepted, assimilated or transformed? . This book has resulted from the author’s research and observations over the past 30 years. It reconstructs the torturous paths that public relations has taken in China, exploring largely the mergence of western PR theories, models and concepts with Chinese realities and practices. While invoking the Diffusion of Innovation Theory as a frame of reference, this book examines how public relations found its way into, be rooted and began to grow in China and takes on how corporate and government public relations came into being in China, offering new clues to the ongoing debates on the internationalization of public relations, as well as on how to balance globalization and localization. As a critical analysis of the evolution of China’s public relations, this book reconciles theories with real cases and places them within specific contexts. The chapters on how Beijing uses international mega-events such as the Beijing Olympics of 2008 and the Shanghai World Expo of 2010 to promote or reshape national image are good examples; so is the one on how local governments applied crisis management to tackle the crises they faced. Others, including the case studies on the practices of corporate social responsibility between Huawei and China Light & Power Company Syndicate and if or how litigation PR helps with corporate image and credibility management, are all very useful. This book not only helps PR practitioners either in corporations, government agencies or non-governmental organizations to acquire a deeper understanding of how PR principles, models, and concepts are practiced within socially- and culturally-diverse contexts, but offers valuable references to students and scholars of public relations and communication studies in the Greater China region. It is also a must-read to those in the general public who are interested in keeping up with the dynamic development of public relations as a viable industry. |
Keyword | public relations in China evolution of public relations Chinese corporate PR Chinese government PR western PR theories and Chinese PR practice |
ISBN | 9789629375522 |
Language | 其他語言Others |
The Source to Article | PB_Publication |
PUB ID | 60632 |
Document Type | Book |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | Chen, N.. 公共關係在中國: 三十年的觀察與研究[M]. 香港:香港城市大学出版社, 2021. |
APA | Chen, N..(2021). 公共關係在中國: 三十年的觀察與研究. 香港城市大学出版社. |
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