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Morpho-syntactic research on Cantonese and Mandarin: Corpus and survey-based approaches
KUONG, Io-Kei Joaquim
Size of Audience70
Type of SpeakerPresenter

This study focuses on native speakers and non-native speakers' knowledge about the occurrence and syntactic constraints of topic-structures in Mandarin and Cantonese. The preliminary findings show that while native speakers are sensitive to the clause structures and the syntactic constraints of topic-structures in the matrix and embedded clauses, non-native speakers' understanding of where topic-structures may occur in a sentence is limited, resulting in their poorer performance in the survey. In addition, based on the survey date, the study argues against the view that topic-structures are loosely placed at the beginning of a sentence.

KeywordSyntax Topic Structures Cantonese Mandarin
Subject AreaLinguistics
Conference Date3-4 December 2021
Conference PlaceUniversity of Macau (2nd Macau Roundtable Symposium on Linguistics)
Document TypePresentation
Corresponding AuthorKUONG, Io-Kei Joaquim
AffiliationDepartment of English, UM
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
KUONG, Io-Kei Joaquim. Morpho-syntactic research on Cantonese and Mandarin: Corpus and survey-based approaches, 3-4 December 2021.
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