An Internet Based Collaborative Engineering Design Space
Yang, Z. X.
Source Publication33rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (ICC&IE)
AbstractCollaborative computer aided engineering design system is a distributed engineering design environment, in which geographical dispersed engineers could conduct design activities in cooperative and synchronous manner. This paper presents an effort in developing such a system, an internet based Collaborative Engineering Design Space (CedSpace), which provides its users with advanced product modeling tools, together with effective coordination mechanisms. CedSpace is based on COM+ technology and adopts a 3-tiered client/server architecture. The system is balanced well through distributing the functionalities properly among these tiers. The server is devised to offer the functionalities including model construction, analysis, data management and session control, and the client offers the interactive functionality, ranging from display of sophisticated geometric model to dynamic response of model’s simulation results. It is demonstrated that a good compromise between interactivity and network load has been achieved. The architecture of the CedSpace, several key functional modules supporting the collaborative design and the communication mechanisms are described in detail.
KeywordDistributed engineering design CAD/CAE collaborative engineering client/server structure
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID26837
Document TypeConference paper
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yang, Z. X.. An Internet Based Collaborative Engineering Design Space[C], 2004.
APA Yang, Z. X..(2004). An Internet Based Collaborative Engineering Design Space. 33rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (ICC&IE).
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