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Alterações meramente pontuais (Satzungsdurchbrechungen) ou simples violações dos estatutos das sociedades?
Garcia, A. T.
Source PublicationCongresso comemorativo dos 30 anos do Código das Sociedades Comerciais
Publication PlaceCoimbra

Any shareholders resolution that is not according with the articles of association is invalid unless it represents a modifcation of them, whichdemands that the resolution to be approved by a majority of two thirds of the votes, and the registration. However sometimes the shareholders approve resoltutions that are not according with the articles of association but with the majority necessary to approve its modification. The problem arises when the shareholders do not want to part away with the articles of association rule, but do not want to apply it in that specific case. Should they be obliged to follow the procedure to change the articles of association or does it suffices less than that. and in this case what should be necessary.

KeywordAlterações Deliberações Estatutos Maiorias Sociedades Violações Csc
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Document TypeBook chapter
CollectionFaculty of Law
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Garcia, A. T.. Alterações meramente pontuais (Satzungsdurchbrechungen) ou simples violações dos estatutos das sociedades?[M]. Congresso comemorativo dos 30 anos do Código das Sociedades Comerciais, Coimbra:Almedina, 2017, 287-337.
APA Garcia, A. T..(2017). Alterações meramente pontuais (Satzungsdurchbrechungen) ou simples violações dos estatutos das sociedades?. Congresso comemorativo dos 30 anos do Código das Sociedades Comerciais, 287-337.
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