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Residential Collegefalse
Patent NumberM643154
Status已授權 Granted
Rhythmic Wheels
Year Issued2023
Application Number112204216
Application Date2023-04
Rights HolderWang, Ping-Cheng
Wang, Ping-Cheng1; Pa, Pai-Shan2; Yin, De-An3
Date Available2023-06
Subtype实用新型 Utility model

Rhythm is an equal unit of time and is one of the basic elements of music. Music can’t happen without time and steady beat (Karageorghis & Priest, 2012). This new invention can both enhance the function of basal ganglia in one’s brain and motivates children’s rhythmic potential while they are riding the bike. The basal ganglia is a group of subcortical nuclei of varied origin in the brains of humans and serve multiple functions, including: control of voluntary motor movements, procedural learning, routine behaviors and emotion (Sacks, 2007); therefore, this device can not only stimulate the balance of the basal ganglia which provides stabilizing the control of one’s voluntary motor movements but it also motivates children’s rhythmic potential and provide the stability of beat when they are riding the bike.

The hammer and a rotating plate with 8 pins installed with the bicycle gear plate shaft which is next to the foot paddle of the bike.
There are eight pins are fixed on the rotating plate with equal distance. The pins are removable and fixed in pairs with even numbers and equal distance on the plate in order to match with the cycling of the gear and foot paddle; therefore, it makes equal sound accordingly when it is rotating.


KeywordRhythmic Learning
Subject Area艺术学 ; 教育学
Document TypePatent
CollectionFaculty of Education
Affiliation1.Faculty of Education, University of Macau
2.National Taipei Univeristy of Education
3.National Taipei Univeristy of Education
First Author AffilicationFaculty of Education
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang, Ping-Cheng,Pa, Pai-Shan,Yin, De-An. Rhythmic Wheels. M643154[P]. 2023-06-01.
APA Wang, Ping-Cheng., Pa, Pai-Shan., & Yin, De-An (2023-04). Rhythmic Wheels.
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