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Multi-layered gestalt in real-time interaction. Special Issue Philosophical Psychology and Praxeological Gestalts. Social Psychology and Sociology in dialogue with the Philosophers of Gestalt Psycholo
Source PublicationPhilosophia Scientiae

Abstract: In his PhD proposal, now published as Seeing Sociological, Garfinkel [2006] formulated action in terms of a mutually constitutive structure—the Noesis-Noema Structures. This structure can be traced to Aaron Gurwitsch’s gestalt psychology and Law of Good Gestalt which theorises how participants prioritise functional Gestalts over other possible meanings of what is perceivable in their surroundings. While Gurwitsch illustrated his theory using images, in this paper we revisit Gurwitsch’s theory in light of the advances in recording real-time interaction to consider Gestalt in spatio-temporality of real-time interaction. We consider the Law of Good Gestalt in terms of the dimensions of time and space, and postulate two analytical principles—the Principle of Good Momentary Gestalt and the Principle of Good Temporal Gestalt—for analysing a multi-angle video segment of a monologue taken from a training event. The analysis examines how the monologue was embedded in a multi-layer projection structure, so that during the time of the monologue, the trainer and trainees can be seen as achieving a transition between one activity to another while sustaining the frame of the training event. Through this, the analysis highlights the multi-layered structure of participants’ field of perception that constitutes their experience of the social activity, and explores a “method” to reconstruct such a structured field of perception through re-coupling meanings to the assemblages of multimodal resources recoverable on video.

KeywordGestalt, Time, Multilayered Projection, Ethnomethodology
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PublisherUniversity of Lorraine
Document TypeJournal article
CollectionFaculty of Social Sciences
Corresponding AuthorTerry Au-Yeung
Affiliation1.University of Macau
2.Cardiff University
First Author AffilicationUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
RICHARD DENNIS FITZGERALD,Terry Au-Yeung. Multi-layered gestalt in real-time interaction. Special Issue Philosophical Psychology and Praxeological Gestalts. Social Psychology and Sociology in dialogue with the Philosophers of Gestalt Psycholo[J]. Philosophia Scientiae, 2022, 26(3), 96-123.
APA RICHARD DENNIS FITZGERALD., & Terry Au-Yeung (2022). Multi-layered gestalt in real-time interaction. Special Issue Philosophical Psychology and Praxeological Gestalts. Social Psychology and Sociology in dialogue with the Philosophers of Gestalt Psycholo. Philosophia Scientiae, 26(3), 96-123.
MLA RICHARD DENNIS FITZGERALD,et al."Multi-layered gestalt in real-time interaction. Special Issue Philosophical Psychology and Praxeological Gestalts. Social Psychology and Sociology in dialogue with the Philosophers of Gestalt Psycholo".Philosophia Scientiae 26.3(2022):96-123.
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