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Input enhancement type, intake, and reading comprehension in Portuguese as a foreign language
Santos, Sara
Source PublicationMillenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health

Introduction:In foreign language teaching, input enhancement has been proposed as an implicit technique to direct the learners' attention towardspecific linguistic items, as it allows them to focus on meaning and form at the same time.

Objective: To investigate the effect of three typographic input highlighting marks on the intake of a target structure (present tense) and on the reading comprehension of 41 Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language.

Methods: Exploratory study.A pre-test/post-test design was adopted.Four versions of a text were prepared tocompare three experimental groups with different input enhancement formats:[(i) capitalization,(ii) bold,and (iii) a combination of two typographical cues (bold and underlined)], as well asa control group (input flood).

Results:No significant differences were detected between the groups, although the results showed a tendency towards a positive impact of the use of typographical cues vs. input flood. Reading comprehension was not affected by input enhancement.

Conclusion:Input enhancement formatsdid not significantly benefit the intake of the target structure. Manipulation of input salience (input enhancement) and frequency increase (inputflood) areredundant techniques in terms of their pedagogical impact.

Other Abstract


Introdução: No ensino de línguas estrangeiras, o realce do inputtem sido proposto como uma técnica implícita paradirecionar a atenção dos aprendentes em relação a itens linguísticos específicos, uma vez que permite,simultaneamente, o foco no significadoe na forma.

Objetivo: Investigar o efeito de três marcas tipográficas de realce do inputno intakede uma estrutura alvo (presente do conjuntivo) e na compreensão da leitura de 41 aprendentes chineses de português como língua estrangeira.

Métodos: Estudo do tipo exploratório.Adotou-se um delineamento pré-teste/ pós-teste e foram constituídos três grupos experimentais com diferentes tipos de realce do input: (i) maiúsculas; (ii) negrito e (iii) combinação de duas marcas tipográficas (negrito e sublinhado) e um grupo de controlo (inputenriquecido).Para a comparação entre os grupos, foram preparadasquatro versões de um texto.

Resultados: Não foram detetadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, embora os resultados tenham evidenciado uma tendência para um impacto positivo do uso de marcas tipográficas vs.input enriquecido. Acompreensão da leitura não foi afetada pelo uso da técnica do realce do input.

Conclusão: As marcas tipográficas usadas no realce do inputnão beneficiaram significativamente o intakeda estrutura alvo, pelo que a manipulação da saliência do input(realce do input) e o aumento da frequência (inputenriquecido) parecem ser técnicas redundantes ao nível doseuimpacto pedagógico. 

KeywordTypes Of Input Enhancement Intake Portuguese As a Foreign Language Form-focused Analytical Approach
URLView the original
Funding ProjectThe SSARC pedagogic model for task-based teaching to Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language
PublisherPolytechnic Institute of Viseu
Scopus ID2-s2.0-85204971611
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Document TypeJournal article
CollectionFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Corresponding AuthorSantos, Sara
AffiliationUniversity of Macau, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Portuguese
First Author AffilicationFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Corresponding Author AffilicationFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Santos, Sara. Input enhancement type, intake, and reading comprehension in Portuguese as a foreign language[J]. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2024, 2(25), e36123.
APA Santos, Sara.(2024). Input enhancement type, intake, and reading comprehension in Portuguese as a foreign language. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(25), e36123.
MLA Santos, Sara."Input enhancement type, intake, and reading comprehension in Portuguese as a foreign language".Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health 2.25(2024):e36123.
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