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Talking about Jupiter and its moons: collaboratively producing images of the night sky
Size of Audience100
Type of SpeakerInvited talk
AbstractIn this talk, I will focus on astronomy outreach events by examining a moment when a visitor to a night-sky observation exhibits some knowledge about the object under scrutiny (Jupiter) while peering through a telescope. The guide of this observation responds to the visitor’s display of knowledge by offering further (and more complex) description about the object. The analysis shows that there is an intense collaboration between both participants (guide and visitor) evidenced in the way the turns at talk are organized. While the visitor allocates turns to the guide in order to confirm and expand his knowledge about the subject matter, the guide also self-selects to provide details that oriented the visitor’s appreciation of the image before his eyes. Therefore, I claim that what the visitor could see was not only the result of the image made visible by the use of the telescope (nor the light reaching his retinas through the lenses of the equipment), but a collaborative accomplishment established by the conversational methods used in (and as) talk. Moreover, the data suggest that, instead of competitive epistemic access, such occasions involved knowledge co-production, which is especially illustrated when sentences are collaboratively organized (Lerner 1992), where one participant completed the sentence initiated by the other or even when both produced the sequence of the sentence in unison
KeywordEthnomethodology Conversation Analysis Jupiter Astronomy Outreach
Conference Date27-29/03/2024
Conference PlaceHanoi, Vietnam
Document TypePresentation
AffiliationUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
RICARDO MOUTINHO RODRIGUES DA SILVA. Talking about Jupiter and its moons: collaboratively producing images of the night sky, 27-29/03/2024.
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