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New full-range stress-strain model for stainless steel
Wai-Meng QUACH
Size of Audiencemore than 50
Type of SpeakerConference speaker
AbstractAdvanced numerical modelling of cold-formed stainless steel members, from manufacturing to full-range response under applied loading, requires knowledge of the stress-strain relationship of the material over a wide range of tensile and compressive strains. Although a number of stress-strain models have been developed for stainless steels, most of them are only capable of accurate predictions either over a limited range or for the tensile stress-strain behaviour only. A recent stress-stain model proposed by Quach et al. (2008) can provide accurate predictions over the full ranges of both tensile and compressive strains. However, this model (Quach et al. 2008) was developed based on limited available experimental data for only few stainless steel alloys. In the present study, more available experimental data have been included to cover a wide-range of stainless steel alloys, and the model is further modified with improved accuracy. The revised stress-strain model is expressed in terms of the three basic Ramberg-Osgood parameters and some additional parameters. Empirical expressions for these additional parameters are also developed based on a careful interpretation of existing experimental data. Thus, the revised model can be defined using the three basic Ramberg-Osgood parameters only. The improved accuracy of the proposed model is demonstrated by comparing its predictions with experimental results.
Source PublicationThe 17th Annual Conference of HKSTAM 2013, the 9th Jiangsu-Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics & Its Application, The 3rd Symposium on the Development of Mechanics in Macau, Hong Kong and Macau, 22-23 March 2013
Conference Date22-23 March 2013
Conference PlaceHong Kong and Macau
Document TypePresentation
Corresponding AuthorWai-Meng QUACH
AffiliationUniversity of Macau, Macau, China
First Author AffilicationUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wai-Meng QUACH. New full-range stress-strain model for stainless steel[Z]. The 17th Annual Conference of HKSTAM 2013, the 9th Jiangsu-Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics & Its Application, The 3rd Symposium on the Development of Mechanics in Macau, Hong Kong and Macau, 22-23 March 2013, 22-23 March 2013.
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