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Monetization on Mobile Platforms: Balancing in-App Advertising and User Base Growth
Yonghua Ji1; Ruibing Wang2,3; Qinglong Gou2
ABS Journal Level4

Monetizing the growth of mobile platforms is increasingly important as more and more users adopt mobile platformssuch as the Google’s Android OS and the Apple’s iOS. In this study, we use a differential game theoretical modelto study the problem of joint advertising investment and in-app advertising adoption decisions by platform owners andapp developers on a mobile platform. A key finding is that a platform owner may delay or even not offer an in-appadvertising program if the revenue from such a program is low, which could explain the termination of Apple’s iAd in-app advertising program. One unexpected result is that when determining advertising effort or the timing of an in-appadvertising program, a platform owner does not need to consider the app developer’s advertising effectiveness. Anotherinteresting result is that an app developer acts strategically with an increase in ease of app searching: he either followsthe platform owner to increase advertising or decreases it to take a free ride, depending on the effectiveness of his adver-tising effort. Finally, our analysis shows that in order to coordinate the mobile platform system, a central planner shouldadopt a mixed transfer payment scheme that includes both revenue sharing and advertising cost sharing, regardless ofwhether competition exists.

KeywordMobile Platforms System Coordination Differential Game Mobile Apps In-app Advertising
Indexed BySCIE ; SSCI
WOS Research AreaEngineering ; Operations Research & Management Science
WOS SubjectEngineering, Manufacturing ; Operations Research & Management Science
WOS IDWOS:000486200800004
Scopus ID2-s2.0-85066126452
Fulltext Access
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Document TypeJournal article
CollectionUniversity of Macau
Corresponding AuthorYonghua Ji
Affiliation1.School of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R6, Canada
2.School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
3.College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yonghua Ji,Ruibing Wang,Qinglong Gou. Monetization on Mobile Platforms: Balancing in-App Advertising and User Base Growth[J]. PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 2019, 28(9), 2202-2220.
APA Yonghua Ji., Ruibing Wang., & Qinglong Gou (2019). Monetization on Mobile Platforms: Balancing in-App Advertising and User Base Growth. PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 28(9), 2202-2220.
MLA Yonghua Ji,et al."Monetization on Mobile Platforms: Balancing in-App Advertising and User Base Growth".PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 28.9(2019):2202-2220.
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