A 0.028mm2 11mW single-mixing blocker-tolerant receiver with double-RF N-path filtering, S11 centering, +13dBm OB-IIP3 and 1.5-to-2.9dB NF
Lin, Z.; Mak, P. I.; Martins, R. P.
Source PublicationSolid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC), 2015 IEEE International
AbstractRF-tunable blocker-tolerant receivers (RXs) enhance the flexibility of multiband multistandard radios at low cost (Fig. 2.4.1). The mixer-first RX [1] delays the signal amplification to baseband (BB) by frequency-translating the BB lowpass response to RF as bandpass. This raises the out-of-band (OB) IIP3 (27dBm) at the expense of NF (5.5dB) and power (60mW) due to no RF gain. The noisecancellation RX [2] breaks such a tradeoff by paralleling a voltage-sensing RX with the mixer-first RX. This achieves a better pair of NF (1.9dB) and OB-IIP3 (13.5dBm), but sacrifices more die size (1.2mm2) and power (<;78mW) to accommodate the doubled RF and BB circuits. In [3], N-path RF filtering and noise cancellation are concurrently attained in one current-reuse RX. That approach saves die area (0.55mm2) and power (16.2mW) at a high OB-IIP3 (17.4dBm), but requires a high VDD (2.5V) to widen the voltage headroom. Also, seeing that its NF (4.6dB) is handicapped by the input-impedance matching requirement (S11<;-10dB), there is no flexibility to get better NF. Finally, as both [2] and [3] involve two mixing steps, the LO power is penalized.
Keywordamplification band-pass filters interference suppression
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PUB ID14462
Document TypeConference paper
Corresponding AuthorMak, P. I.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Lin, Z.,Mak, P. I.,Martins, R. P.. A 0.028mm2 11mW single-mixing blocker-tolerant receiver with double-RF N-path filtering, S11 centering, +13dBm OB-IIP3 and 1.5-to-2.9dB NF[C], 2015.
APA Lin, Z.., Mak, P. I.., & Martins, R. P. (2015). A 0.028mm2 11mW single-mixing blocker-tolerant receiver with double-RF N-path filtering, S11 centering, +13dBm OB-IIP3 and 1.5-to-2.9dB NF. Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC), 2015 IEEE International.
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