To Arouse Students’ Interest in Learning: Does Inquiry Based Learning Make a Difference.
Fan, C. W.
Source PublicationIEEE TALE 2015
AbstractToday, much of the content that needs to be learned by students is not intrinsically motivated to students. This paper reports a qualitative study on investigating inquiry based learning model in learning computer studies. The research questions are: Do students enjoy inquiry based approach in learning Computer Studies? Q2: Do students benefit from inquiry based approach in learning Computer Studies? Two experienced teachers and 31 primary six students were involved in this study. Seven inquiry based lessons focusing on “Internet Security” were conducted. Students were required to actively seeking the information through the internet. Quantitative data including teacher’s teaching logs, reflection and student interviews were collected and analyzed. The results showed that the students enjoyed inquiry based approach in learning Computer Studies and their domain knowledge has also been advanced.
Keywordinquiry based learning emotion and learning styling primary school education
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID22161
Document TypeConference paper
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Fan, C. W.. To Arouse Students’ Interest in Learning: Does Inquiry Based Learning Make a Difference.[C], 2015, 306-311.
APA Fan, C. W..(2015). To Arouse Students’ Interest in Learning: Does Inquiry Based Learning Make a Difference.. IEEE TALE 2015, 306-311.
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