Patent Number | US20160266598A1 |
Status | 申請中 Pending |
Application Number | US14643981 |
Application Date | 2015-03-10 |
Rights Holder | QUALCOMM INC |
Wong, Mong Chit; Dang, Nam Van; Jain, Rajeev; Wang, Bo-Ren; Shahrokhinia, Sassan | |
Date Available | 2016-09-15 |
Country | United States |
Abstract | Systems and methods for producing reference voltages are disclosed. An example bandgap reference circuit includes a core bandgap module that produces a bias control for biasing the gate of a transistor to produce a proportional to absolute temperature current. The core bandgap module may use an operational amplifier that uses auto-calibration to reduce its input offset voltage. A trimming module uses the bias control to produce a proportional to absolute temperature current that is combined with a trim current and supplied to a resistor and diode to produce a trimmed bandgap voltage. The trimmed bandgap voltage is buffered to produce a reference voltage output. The trim current may be set based on a room temperature measurement of the reference voltage output. |
Language | 英語English |
Open (Notice) Number | US20160266598A1 |
IPC Classification Number | G05F3/26 |
CPC Classification Number | G05F3/30 ; G05F3/267 |
Document Type | Patent |
Collection | University of Macau |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | Wong, Mong Chit,Dang, Nam Van,Jain, Rajeev,et al. PRECISION BANDGAP REFERENCE. US20160266598A1. |
APA | Wong, Mong Chit., Dang, Nam Van., Jain, Rajeev., Wang, Bo-Ren., & Shahrokhinia, Sassan (2015-03-10). PRECISION BANDGAP REFERENCE. |
Files in This Item: | There are no files associated with this item. |
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