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| When Buddhism meets Cosmopolitanism Journal article ZHANG ELLEN YING. When Buddhism meets Cosmopolitanism[J]. The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, 2024, 14(2), 236-251. Authors: ZHANG ELLEN YING Favorite | | Submit date:2024/08/26 |
| 商周禘禮演變研究A Study on The Evolution of the Di Rituals during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties Journal article 楊兆貴, 趙殷尚. 商周禘禮演變研究A Study on The Evolution of the Di Rituals during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties[J]. 中國學論叢Journal of Chinese Studies, 2023(81), 1-30. Authors: 楊兆貴; 趙殷尚 Favorite | | Submit date:2024/08/23 禘礼 商代 西周 春秋 |
| The Ethics of Hospitality: Tracing the Confucian Other Journal article Ellen Ying Zhang. The Ethics of Hospitality: Tracing the Confucian Other[J]. Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, 2023, 39, 5-29. Authors: Ellen Ying Zhang Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2023/08/24 Hospitality Lévinas Confucianism The oTher Ren Shu Generosity Relationality |
| Lucha de clases: enfoque teórico marxista y su importancia en la actualidad Journal article ANA SALDANHA. Lucha de clases: enfoque teórico marxista y su importancia en la actualidad[J]., 2022(8), 54-72. Authors: ANA SALDANHA Favorite | | Submit date:2023/04/10 Capitalismo Clases Antagónicas Fuerza Material Lucha De Clases Marxismo Materialismo Dialéctico Materialismo Histórico Modos De Producción |
| 錢穆先生《易》學研究Qian Mu’s Research on the Book of Changes Journal article Eric, LAO Wengchio, YEUNG Siukwai, CHO Eunsang. 錢穆先生《易》學研究Qian Mu’s Research on the Book of Changes[J]. 中國人文科學Journal of Chinese Humanities, 2022(81), 395-414. Authors: Eric, LAO Wengchio; YEUNG Siukwai; CHO Eunsang Adobe PDF | Favorite | | Submit date:2023/08/28 錢穆,《易》學,高亨,金景芳,李學勤 |
| Legitimacy and variability: The case of consumer contracts Journal article Leong Cheng Hang(梁靜姮). Legitimacy and variability: The case of consumer contracts[J]. 원광법학, 2021, 37(4), 185-206. Authors: Leong Cheng Hang(梁靜姮) Adobe PDF | Favorite | | Submit date:2022/08/28 Covid-19, Pacta Sunt Servanda, Consumer Contract |
| 論錢穆對漢代《春秋》學的研究Study on Mr. Qian Mu's Research of "Chun Qiu" in Han Dynasty Journal article 楊兆貴, 趙殷尚. 論錢穆對漢代《春秋》學的研究Study on Mr. Qian Mu's Research of "Chun Qiu" in Han Dynasty[J]. 中國學報The Journal of Chinese Studies, 2021(97), 601-626. Authors: 楊兆貴; 趙殷尚 Adobe PDF | Favorite | | Submit date:2022/07/28 錢穆 漢代 經學 《春秋》 公羊學 |
| 長沙五一廣場出土東漢臨湘縣外郡「貨主」名籍集成硏究 Journal article Ma, Tsang Wing. 長沙五一廣場出土東漢臨湘縣外郡「貨主」名籍集成硏究[J]. 동서인문 東西人文, 2021, 175-205. Authors: Ma, Tsang Wing Favorite | | Submit date:2022/06/25 五一廣場 東漢 貨主 竹簡 商販活動 |
| 查良鏞先生的十九歲──往重慶求學的兩則資料 Journal article 鄭振偉. 查良鏞先生的十九歲──往重慶求學的兩則資料[J]. 韓中言語文化硏究, 2020(58), 203-214. Authors: 鄭振偉 Favorite | | Submit date:2022/02/17 國立政治學校 金庸傳記 戰區青年 |
| 查良鏞先生的十九歲──往重慶求學的兩則資料 Journal article 鄭振偉. 查良鏞先生的十九歲──往重慶求學的兩則資料[J]. 韓中言語文化硏究, 2020(58), 203-214. Authors: 鄭振偉 Favorite | | Submit date:2022/08/15 國立政治學校 金庸傳記 戰區青年 |