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スマホ「辞書」による語彙検索行動の実態と問題点-マカオの初級日本語学習者を事例に-(An Analysis of the Real-World Use and Complexities of Vocabulary Searches via Smartphone ‘Dictionaries’: A Case Study of Elementary Japanese Language Learners in Macau) Conference paper
李羽喆. スマホ「辞書」による語彙検索行動の実態と問題点-マカオの初級日本語学習者を事例に-(An Analysis of the Real-World Use and Complexities of Vocabulary Searches via Smartphone ‘Dictionaries’: A Case Study of Elementary Japanese Language Learners in Macau)[C], 2023.
Authors:  李羽喆
Favorite |  | Submit date:2025/01/23
産出のための語彙学習とは何か、なぜ必要か-学習者のつまずきから考える-(Understanding Production-Oriented Vocabulary Learning and Its Importance: insights from Learner Struggles) Presentation
会议地点: Tongji University (online), 会议日期: 2022/11/13, 报告日期: 2022-11-13
Authors:  李羽喆
Favorite |  | Submit date:2025/01/23