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Analytical solution for the consolidation of unsaturated soil considering thermal changes Conference paper
Zhao, Lin-Shuang, Zhou W.-H.. Analytical solution for the consolidation of unsaturated soil considering thermal changes[C], 2019.
Authors:  Zhao, Lin-Shuang;  Zhou W.-H.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Analytical Solution  Consolidation  Energy Pile  Thermal Change  Unsaturated Soil  
Numerical analysis for deep excavation of Taipa Central Park in Macau Conference paper
Zhou, Zan, Lok T.M.H.. Numerical analysis for deep excavation of Taipa Central Park in Macau[C], 2019.
Authors:  Zhou, Zan;  Lok T.M.H.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Constitutive Model  Deep Excavation  Plaxis  Smw  Wall Deflection