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Profiles of sensitization and comorbidity in asthma patients with markedly increased serum total IgE (>1000kU/L) Journal article
Wu, Ge, Hu, Haisheng, Zhang, Teng, Zhang, Xiaohua Douglas, Sun, Baoqing. Profiles of sensitization and comorbidity in asthma patients with markedly increased serum total IgE (>1000kU/L)[J]. Allergy and asthma proceedings, 2022, 43(2), 124-132.
Authors:  Wu, Ge;  Hu, Haisheng;  Zhang, Teng;  Zhang, Xiaohua Douglas;  Sun, Baoqing
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.6/2.7 | Submit date:2022/04/06
Asthma  Allergy  Atopy  Immunoglobulin e  Chronic Diseases  Comorbidity  Complications  Respiratory Diseases  Sensitization  Serum Total Ige