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Rapid image detection and recognition of rice false smut based on mobile smart devices with anti-light features from cloud database Journal article
Ning Yang, Kangpeng Chang, Sizhe Dong, Jian Tang, Aiying Wang, Rubing Huang, Yanwei Jia. Rapid image detection and recognition of rice false smut based on mobile smart devices with anti-light features from cloud database[J]. Biosystems Engineering, 2022, 218, 229-244.
Authors:  Ning Yang;  Kangpeng Chang;  Sizhe Dong;  Jian Tang;  Aiying Wang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:4.4/5.2 | Submit date:2022/05/31
Cnn Model  Mobile Rfs Disease Identification System  Offline Image Recognition  On-line Co-ordinated Correction  
Optimization of free ammonia concentration for nitrite accumulation in shortcut biological nitrogen removal process Journal article
Chung J, Shim H, Park S-J, Kim S-J, Bae W. Optimization of free ammonia concentration for nitrite accumulation in shortcut biological nitrogen removal process[J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2006, 28(4), 275-282.
Authors:  Chung J;  Shim H;  Park S-J;  Kim S-J;  Bae W
Favorite | TC[WOS]:72 TC[Scopus]:89  IF:3.5/3.3 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Free Ammonia (Fa)  Nitrite Accumulation  Shortcut Biological Nitrogen Removal (Sbnr)  Specific SubstRate Utilization Rate