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Flexible linear clock–based distributed self-triggered active power-sharing secondary control of AC microgrids Journal article
Chen, Yulin, Huang, Xing, Zhi, Guangxin, Yang, Shaohua, Hui, Hongxun, Qi, Donglian, Yan, Yunfeng, Gao, Fengkai. Flexible linear clock–based distributed self-triggered active power-sharing secondary control of AC microgrids[J]. Global Energy Interconnection, 2024, 7(6), 786-797.
Authors:  Chen, Yulin;  Huang, Xing;  Zhi, Guangxin;  Yang, Shaohua;  Hui, Hongxun; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.9/0 | Submit date:2024/12/26
Ac Microgrid  Active Power Sharing  Control Efficiency  Distributed Secondary Control  Self-triggered Mechanism  
Theoretical Methods and Application Prospects for Uncertainty Quantification in Distribution Network Operation Under the Influence of Stochastic Source-load Journal article
Han, Wang, Xiaoyuan, Xu, Zheng, Yan, Hongxun, Hui, Xiaotao, Fang. Theoretical Methods and Application Prospects for Uncertainty Quantification in Distribution Network Operation Under the Influence of Stochastic Source-load[J]. Journal of Global Energy Interconnection, 2022, 5(3), 230-241.
Authors:  Han, Wang;  Xiaoyuan, Xu;  Zheng, Yan;  Hongxun, Hui;  Xiaotao, Fang
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2024/01/25
Distribution Network  Global Sensitivity Analysis  Multi-fidelity Model  Stochastic Source-load  Uncertainty Quantification