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An infrared small target detection method based on multiscale local homogeneity measure Journal article
Nie, Jinyan, Qu, Shaocheng, Wei, Yantao, Zhang, Liming, Deng, Lizhen. An infrared small target detection method based on multiscale local homogeneity measure[J]. INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 90, 186-194.
Authors:  Nie, Jinyan;  Qu, Shaocheng;  Wei, Yantao;  Zhang, Liming;  Deng, Lizhen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:83 TC[Scopus]:98  IF:3.1/3.0 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Intra-patch Homogeneity  Inter-patch Heterogeneity  Target Enhancement  Robustness  
Confidence-driven infrared target detection Journal article
Zhiguo Zhang, Liman Liu, Wenbing Tao, Yuanyan Tang. Confidence-driven infrared target detection[J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2014, 66, 78-83.
Authors:  Zhiguo Zhang;  Liman Liu;  Wenbing Tao;  Yuanyan Tang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:3.1/3.0 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Confidence Evaluation  False Alarm  Infrared  Localization  Target Detection  
Infrared moving target detection and tracking based on tensor locality preserving projection Journal article
Li H., Wei Y., Li L., Tang Y.Y.. Infrared moving target detection and tracking based on tensor locality preserving projection[J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2010, 53(2), 77-83.
Authors:  Li H.;  Wei Y.;  Li L.;  Tang Y.Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:34 TC[Scopus]:52 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Dimensionality Reduction  Locality Preserving Projection  Manifold Learning  Target Detection And Tracking  Tensor