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Estimation of real-time reachable set on nonlinear time-delay switched singular systems with state jump Journal article
Feng, Zhiguang, Zhang, Xinyue, Liu, Jason J. R., Jiang, Zhengyi. Estimation of real-time reachable set on nonlinear time-delay switched singular systems with state jump[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(16), 11199-11217.
Authors:  Feng, Zhiguang;  Zhang, Xinyue;  Liu, Jason J. R.;  Jiang, Zhengyi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2024/08/27
Nonlinear  Reachable Set  Real-time  State Jump  Switched Singular Systems  Time-delay  
Adaptive neural network fixed-time control for an uncertain robot with input nonlinearity Journal article
Kong, Linghuan, Ouyang, Yuncheng, Liu, Zhijie. Adaptive neural network fixed-time control for an uncertain robot with input nonlinearity[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(5), 3033-3056.
Authors:  Kong, Linghuan;  Ouyang, Yuncheng;  Liu, Zhijie
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Adaptive Neural Networks  Fixed-time Control  Input Saturation  Robotic System  
H∞ attenuation of disturbance switching over multiple frequency ranges Journal article
Cai, Chenxiao, Song, Xiaoqi, Liu, Jason J.R., Cheng, Peng, Lam, James. H∞ attenuation of disturbance switching over multiple frequency ranges[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(11), 7520-7546.
Authors:  Cai, Chenxiao;  Song, Xiaoqi;  Liu, Jason J.R.;  Cheng, Peng;  Lam, James
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2024/05/16
h∞$$ {h}_{\infty } $$ Control  Average Dwell Time  Disturbance Attenuation  Generalized Kalman-yakubovich-popov Lemma  Switched System  
Adaptive Fully Distributed Consensus for a Class of Second-order Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems With Switching Networks Journal article
Li,Sheng, Zou,Wencheng, Chen,Xiang, Chen,Chen, Xiang,Zhengrong. Adaptive Fully Distributed Consensus for a Class of Second-order Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems With Switching Networks[J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2023, 21(8), 2595 - 2604.
Authors:  Li,Sheng;  Zou,Wencheng;  Chen,Xiang;  Chen,Chen;  Xiang,Zhengrong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.5/2.5 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Adaptive Control  Fully Distributed Consensus  Multiagent Systems  Switching Networks  
Robust fuzzy fault tolerant control for nonlinear active suspension systems via adaptive hybrid triggered scheme Journal article
Xie, Zhengchao, You, Wei, Wong, Pak Kin, Li, Wenfeng, Ma, Xinbo, Zhao, Jing. Robust fuzzy fault tolerant control for nonlinear active suspension systems via adaptive hybrid triggered scheme[J]. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2023, 37(7), 1608-1627.
Authors:  Xie, Zhengchao;  You, Wei;  Wong, Pak Kin;  Li, Wenfeng;  Ma, Xinbo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:3.9/3.2 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Adaptive Hybrid Triggered Scheme  Fault Tolerant Control  Fuzzy Control  Robust Control  
Decentralized control and state estimation of linear time-periodic systems Journal article
Andrushka, Ivan, Batista, Pedro, Oliveira, Paulo, Silvestre, Carlos. Decentralized control and state estimation of linear time-periodic systems[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2023, 33(1), 102-133.
Authors:  Andrushka, Ivan;  Batista, Pedro;  Oliveira, Paulo;  Silvestre, Carlos
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Decentralized Control  Decentralized Estimation  Linear Time-periodic  Sparse Gains  Time-lifting  
Global stabilization for a class of upper-triangular stochastic nonlinear systems with input delay via sampled-data output feedback Journal article
Mao, Jun, Zou, Wencheng, Guo, Jian, Xiang, Zhengrong. Global stabilization for a class of upper-triangular stochastic nonlinear systems with input delay via sampled-data output feedback[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(14), 7685-7711.
Authors:  Mao, Jun;  Zou, Wencheng;  Guo, Jian;  Xiang, Zhengrong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2022/08/05
Output Feedback Control  Sampled-data Control  Stochastic Nonlinear System  Time-varying Input Delay  
High-performance quadrotor slung load transportation with damped oscillations Journal article
Reis, Joel, Yu, Gan, Cabecinhas, David, Silvestre, Carlos. High-performance quadrotor slung load transportation with damped oscillations[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 33(17), 10227-10256.
Authors:  Reis, Joel;  Yu, Gan;  Cabecinhas, David;  Silvestre, Carlos
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2022/10/07
Damped Oscillations  Load Transportation  Nonlinear Control  Underactuated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles  
General resilient consensus algorithms Journal article
Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre. General resilient consensus algorithms[J]. International Journal of Control, 2022, 95(6), 1482-1496.
Authors:  Guilherme Ramos;  Daniel Silvestre;  Carlos Silvestre
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:1.6/1.8 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Consensus  Resilient Consensus  Multi-agent Systems  Cyber-security  
Adaptive ride height controller design for vehicle active suspension systems with uncertain sprung mass and time-varying disturbance Journal article
Zhao, Rongchen, Xie, Wei, Yu, Gan, Wang, Guangwei, Wong, Pak Kin, Silvestre, Carlos. Adaptive ride height controller design for vehicle active suspension systems with uncertain sprung mass and time-varying disturbance[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(10), 5950-5966.
Authors:  Zhao, Rongchen;  Xie, Wei;  Yu, Gan;  Wang, Guangwei;  Wong, Pak Kin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Active Suspension Systems  Adaptive Height Control  Nonlinear Observer Design  Time-varying Disturbance  Uncertain Sprung Mass