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Reactive versus Constitutive: Reconcile the Controversial Results about the Prognostic Value of PD-L1 Expression in cancer Journal article
HAO, DP, WANG, GY, Wang, L., Di, L.. Reactive versus Constitutive: Reconcile the Controversial Results about the Prognostic Value of PD-L1 Expression in cancer[J]. Int. J. Biol. Sci, 2019, 1933-1941.
Authors:  HAO, DP;  WANG, GY;  Wang, L.;  Di, L.
Favorite |   IF:8.2/8.3 | Submit date:2023/08/30
PD-L1  CTL  cancer  immunotherapy  microenvironment  
Nuclear localization of Desmoplakin and its involvement in telomere maintenance Journal article
LI, PP, MENG, Y, WANG, Y, LI, JJ, Wang, L., Di, L.. Nuclear localization of Desmoplakin and its involvement in telomere maintenance[J]. Int. J. Biol. Sci., 2019, 2350-2362.
Authors:  LI, PP;  MENG, Y;  WANG, Y;  LI, JJ;  Wang, L.; et al.
Favorite |   IF:8.2/8.3 | Submit date:2023/08/30
CRISPR  BioID  telomere  DSP