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Fracture in hole-flanging produced by single point incremental forming Journal article
Cristino V.A., Montanari L., Silva M.B., Atkins A.G., Martins P.A.F.. Fracture in hole-flanging produced by single point incremental forming[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 83, 146-154.
Authors:  Cristino V.A.;  Montanari L.;  Silva M.B.;  Atkins A.G.;  Martins P.A.F.
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Ductile Damage  Fracture Toughness  Hole-flanging  Incremental Sheet Forming  Plasticity  
Effect of transverse shear on nonlinear vibration and postbuckling of anti-symmetric cross-ply imperfect cylindrical shells Journal article
Iu V.P., Chia C.Y.. Effect of transverse shear on nonlinear vibration and postbuckling of anti-symmetric cross-ply imperfect cylindrical shells[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1988, 30(10), 705-718.
Authors:  Iu V.P.;  Chia C.Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:32 TC[Scopus]:41 | Submit date:2019/02/12