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Amide proton transfer-weighted imaging of the head and neck at 3 T: A feasibility study on healthy human subjects and patients with head and neck cancer Journal article
Yuan J., Chen S., King A.D., Zhou J., Bhatia K.S., Zhang Q., Yeung D.K.W., Wei J., Mok G.S.P., Wang Y.-X.. Amide proton transfer-weighted imaging of the head and neck at 3 T: A feasibility study on healthy human subjects and patients with head and neck cancer[J]. NMR in Biomedicine, 2014, 27(10), 1239.
Authors:  Yuan J.;  Chen S.;  King A.D.;  Zhou J.;  Bhatia K.S.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:60 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Amide Proton Transfer (Apt)  Asymmetric Magnetization Transfer Ratio  Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (Cest)  Head And Neck Tumor  Parotid Gland