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The role of CXCR4 in lung cancer metastasis and its possible mechanism Journal article
Su L.-P., Zhang J.-P., Xu H.-B., Chen J., Wang Y., Xiong S.-D.. The role of CXCR4 in lung cancer metastasis and its possible mechanism[J]. National Medical Journal of China, 2005, 85(17), 1190-1194.
Authors:  Su L.-P.;  Zhang J.-P.;  Xu H.-B.;  Chen J.;  Wang Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:7 | Submit date:2019/01/16
Cxcr4  Lung Neoplasms  Neoplasms Metastasis  Receptors  
C3d enhances the immune response against HBV-preS2/S following gene immunization in mice Journal article
Guan Q.-D., Wang L.-X., Guo Q., Zhang J.-P., Xu W., Wang Y., Xiong S.-D.. C3d enhances the immune response against HBV-preS2/S following gene immunization in mice[J]. National Medical Journal of China, 2005, 85(2), 101-105.
Authors:  Guan Q.-D.;  Wang L.-X.;  Guo Q.;  Zhang J.-P.;  Xu W.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/01/16
Complement  Gene  Hepatitis b Surface Antigen  Vaccines