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The Fundamental Recruitment Error: Candidate-Recruiter Discrepancy in Their Relative Valuation of Innate Talent vs. Hard Work Journal article
Dai, Xianchi, Si, Kao. The Fundamental Recruitment Error: Candidate-Recruiter Discrepancy in Their Relative Valuation of Innate Talent vs. Hard Work[J]. Organization Science, 2024, 35(1), 215-231.
Authors:  Dai, Xianchi;  Si, Kao
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Recruitment  Discrepancy  Innate Talent  Hard Work  Job Market  
Helping hand or competition? The moderating influence of perceived upward mobility on the relationship between blended workgroups and employee attitudes and behaviors Journal article
Elizabeth George, Prithviraj Chattopadhyay, Lida L. Zhang. Helping hand or competition? The moderating influence of perceived upward mobility on the relationship between blended workgroups and employee attitudes and behaviors[J]. ORGANIZATION SCIENCE, 2012, 23(2), 355-372.
Authors:  Elizabeth George;  Prithviraj Chattopadhyay;  Lida L. Zhang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:40 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:4.9/6.3 | Submit date:2019/10/17
Temporary Workers  Status  Social Identity  Workgroup Composition  Mobility