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Artemisinin protects rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells against apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide via activation of c-Raf-Erk1/2-p90rsk-CREB pathway“ major revision. Journal article
Zheng, W.. Artemisinin protects rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells against apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide via activation of c-Raf-Erk1/2-p90rsk-CREB pathway“ major revision.[J]. Stem Cell Res Ther, 2019, 1-18.
Authors:  Zheng, W.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/31
Apoptosis  Artemisinin  Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells  CREB  Erk1/2  Phosphorylation  Protection  ROS  Raf  p90rsk