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Foreign language listening comprehension and listening anxiety Journal article
Chen, S., MATTHEW PATRICK WALLACE, Ieng, H.S., Chen, Y., Lam, W.K., de Oliviera, S.C.. Foreign language listening comprehension and listening anxiety[J]. TESL-EJ, 2023, 27(2).
Authors:  Chen, S.;  MATTHEW PATRICK WALLACE;  Ieng, H.S.;  Chen, Y.;  Lam, W.K.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/08/15
Foreign Language Listening Comprehension  Listening Anxiety  Gender Differences  
Metacognitive strategy use for EFL readers: Differences in gender and reading ability Journal article
Wallace, Matthew P., Li, Vina Meilin, Huang, Tracy Cuishi, He, Nicole Cuiyu. Metacognitive strategy use for EFL readers: Differences in gender and reading ability[J]. TESL-EJ, 2021, 25(2).
Authors:  Wallace, Matthew P.;  Li, Vina Meilin;  Huang, Tracy Cuishi;  He, Nicole Cuiyu
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Efl  Gender  Metacognitive Strategies  Reading Ability  Reading Comprehension  
The Effects of Target Word Properties on the Incidental Acquisition of Vocabulary Through Reading Journal article
Barry Lee Reynolds. The Effects of Target Word Properties on the Incidental Acquisition of Vocabulary Through Reading[J]. TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 2016, 20(3), 1-31.
Authors:  Barry Lee Reynolds
Favorite |  | Submit date:2021/05/10