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參與“一帶一路”建設對澳門的意義、對 澳門“融入國家發展大局”的貢獻 Conference proceedings
Authors:  李振國
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/08/24
How does green finance affect human well-being in the context of aging populations? Evidences from China Journal article
Yourong YAO, Zixuan WANG, LEI CHUN KWOK. How does green finance affect human well-being in the context of aging populations? Evidences from China[J]. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2024.
Authors:  Yourong YAO;  Zixuan WANG;  LEI CHUN KWOK
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:5.2/5.9 | Submit date:2024/08/24
Green Finance  Carbon Intensity Of Human Well-being  Urbanization  Ageing Population  Serial Multiple Mediator Model  Moderation Effect Analysis  
Intersectional inequality under the two-child policy: a empirical study of household financial vulnerability in China Conference paper
Yourong YAO, LEI CHUN KWOK, Zixuan Wang. Intersectional inequality under the two-child policy: a empirical study of household financial vulnerability in China[C], 2024.
Authors:  Yourong YAO;  LEI CHUN KWOK;  Zixuan Wang
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Different experiences of Asian emerging-market economies in the two major financial crises Journal article
Xinhua Gu, Chun Kwok Lei, Qingbin Zhao3, Nian Liu. Different experiences of Asian emerging-market economies in the two major financial crises[J]. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2024, 29(3), 3286-3308.
Authors:  Xinhua Gu;  Chun Kwok Lei;  Qingbin Zhao3;  Nian Liu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.8/3.1 | Submit date:2023/04/27
Asia  Bank Credit  Financial Crisis  Growth Strategy  Income Inequality  Investment And Saving  
澳門綠色金融業務的發展現狀、風險因素及政策建議 Journal article
李振國. 澳門綠色金融業務的發展現狀、風險因素及政策建議[J]. 澳門經濟, 2024, 55, 1-18.
Authors:  李振國
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深合區實施多功能自由貿易賬戶,打開澳琴融合新一頁 Forum Materials
Authors:  李振國
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旅客多元發展策略: 加速澳門重點國際旅客市場復甦的政策建議 Journal article
李振國. 旅客多元發展策略: 加速澳門重點國際旅客市場復甦的政策建議[J]. 澳門經濟, 2024, 54, 10-23.
Authors:  李振國
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貫徹《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》精神,政策創新推進澳門 經濟適度多元 Conference proceedings
Authors:  李振國
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Investigating the bidirectionality of the relationship between residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and subjective wellbeing on support for tourism development. Journal article
Pui Sun Tam, Chun Kwok Lei, Tianqi Zhai. Investigating the bidirectionality of the relationship between residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and subjective wellbeing on support for tourism development.[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2023, 31(8), 1852 - 1868.
Authors:  Pui Sun Tam;  Chun Kwok Lei;  Tianqi Zhai
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:6.9/9.5 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Bottom-up  Formative  Reflective  Subjective Wellbeing  Support For Tourism Development  Topdown  Tourism Impacts  
對澳門金融業發展現狀的思考、分析及討論 Journal article
李振國. 對澳門金融業發展現狀的思考、分析及討論[J]. 澳門經濟, 2023, 53, 60-75.
Authors:  李振國
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/08/28