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Exploring Perceived Legal and Organizational Support and Attitudes on the Decision to Mediate or Arrest in Domestic Violence Cases: A Study Among Community and Criminal Justice Professionals in China Journal article
Zhao,Ruohui, Zhang,Hongwei, Wretman,Christopher J., Radtke,Spenser R., Rizo,Cynthia Fraga, Kim,Jeongsuk, Macy,Rebecca J.. Exploring Perceived Legal and Organizational Support and Attitudes on the Decision to Mediate or Arrest in Domestic Violence Cases: A Study Among Community and Criminal Justice Professionals in China[J]. Violence Against Women, 2024, 30(14), 3558-3580.
Authors:  Zhao,Ruohui;  Zhang,Hongwei;  Wretman,Christopher J.;  Radtke,Spenser R.;  Rizo,Cynthia Fraga; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.3/2.9 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Domestic Violence  Decision-making  Arrest  Mediation  China  
Impacts of Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences on Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes in a Sample of Chinese Juvenile Offenders Journal article
Zhang, H., Zhao, R., Yao, X.. Impacts of Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences on Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes in a Sample of Chinese Juvenile Offenders[J]. Journal of Family Violence, 2024.
Authors:  Zhang, H.;  Zhao, R.;  Yao, X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.7/3.0 | Submit date:2024/10/14
Adverse Childhood Experiences  Positive Childhood Experiences  Depressive Symptoms  Misconduct  Juvenile Delinquency  
Policing juvenile delinquency in China: Exploring the influence of officer-related individual and organizational factors on discretionary police decision-making Journal article
Yin, X., Zhao, R.. Policing juvenile delinquency in China: Exploring the influence of officer-related individual and organizational factors on discretionary police decision-making[J]. Children and Youth Services Review, 2024, 158, 107459.
Authors:  Yin, X.;  Zhao, R.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.4/3.0 | Submit date:2024/04/02
China  Individual Characteristics  Juvenile Delinquency  Organizational Support  Police Discretion  
Validation of Scales for Researching Stakeholders' Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence in China Journal article
Wretman, C.J., Rizo, C.R., ZHAO, R., Zhang, H., Radtke, S.R., Kim, J., Gwaltney, A., Macy, R.J.. Validation of Scales for Researching Stakeholders' Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence in China[J]. Violence Against Women, 2024.
Authors:  Wretman, C.J.;  Rizo, C.R.;  ZHAO, R.;  Zhang, H.;  Radtke, S.R.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.3/2.9 | Submit date:2024/08/18
Validation of Scales for Researching Stakeholders’ Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence in China Journal article
Wretman, Christopher J., Rizo, Cynthia Fraga, Zhao, Ruohui, Zhang, Hongwei, Radtke, Spenser R., Kim, Jeongsuk, Gwaltney, Angela, Macy, Rebecca J.. Validation of Scales for Researching Stakeholders’ Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence in China[J]. Violence Against Women, 2024.
Authors:  Wretman, Christopher J.;  Rizo, Cynthia Fraga;  Zhao, Ruohui;  Zhang, Hongwei;  Radtke, Spenser R.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.3/2.9 | Submit date:2024/09/03
China  Domestic Violence  Factor Analysis  Measurement  Stakeholders  
An Exploratory Study on the Awareness, Experiences, and Risk Factors of Dating Violence among College Students in China Project
项目类型: MYRG, 项目编号: MYRG2022-00149-FSS, 资助机构: UM, 2023-2024
Authors:  ZHAO, R.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/03/29
Does Trauma Exacerbate Criminal Behavior? An Exploratory Study of Child Maltreatment and Chronic Offending in a Sample of Chinese Juvenile Offenders Journal article
Yao, Xuening, Zhang, Hongwei, Zhao, Ruohui. Does Trauma Exacerbate Criminal Behavior? An Exploratory Study of Child Maltreatment and Chronic Offending in a Sample of Chinese Juvenile Offenders[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(18), 11197.
Authors:  Yao, Xuening;  Zhang, Hongwei;  Zhao, Ruohui
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5 | Submit date:2022/10/06
Child Maltreatment  Physical Abuse  Chronic Offending  Chinese Juvenile Offenders  
完善我国内地非亲权未成年人监护监督制度之探究--以澳门未成年人监护监督制度为镜鉴 Journal article
趙若輝, 姚学宁. 完善我国内地非亲权未成年人监护监督制度之探究--以澳门未成年人监护监督制度为镜鉴[J]. 中国青年社会科学, 2022, 41, 132-140.
Authors:  趙若輝;  姚学宁
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/24
The relationship between bullying victimization and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: The role of depressive symptoms and gender differences Journal article
Zhao, R., Yao, X.. The relationship between bullying victimization and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: The role of depressive symptoms and gender differences[J]. Journal of school Violence, 2022, 21(1), 60-80.
Authors:  Zhao, R.;  Yao, X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:2.3/2.7 | Submit date:2022/08/24
Depressive Symptoms  Bullying Victimization  Suicidal Ideation  Traditional Bullying  Cyber Bullying  China  
A Scoping Review of 37 Years of Intimate Partner Violence Research in China Journal article
Zhang, H., Zhao, R., Macy, R.J., Wretman, C.J., Jiang, Y.. A Scoping Review of 37 Years of Intimate Partner Violence Research in China[J]. Trauma Violence & Abuse, 2021, 22(4), 752-765.
Authors:  Zhang, H.;  Zhao, R.;  Macy, R.J.;  Wretman, C.J.;  Jiang, Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:5.4/7.0 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Intimate Partner Violence  China  Chinese Literature  Scoping Review