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Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice Journal article
Wachter,Karin, Murray,Sarah M., Hall,Brian J., Annan,Jeannie, Bolton,Paul, Bass,Judy. Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice[J]. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 2018, 31(4), 459-474.
Authors:  Wachter,Karin;  Murray,Sarah M.;  Hall,Brian J.;  Annan,Jeannie;  Bolton,Paul; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:18 | Submit date:2019/07/12
Displaced Populations  Mental Health  Refugees  Social Support  Stigma  
Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice Journal article
Wachter,Karin, Murray,Sarah M., Hall,Brian J., Annan,Jeannie, Bolton,Paul, Bass,Judy. Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice[J]. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 2018, 31(4), 459-474.
Authors:  Wachter,Karin;  Murray,Sarah M.;  Hall,Brian J.;  Annan,Jeannie;  Bolton,Paul; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:18 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Displaced Populations  Mental Health  Refugees  Social Support  Stigma  
Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice Journal article
Wachter, Karin, Murray, Sarah M., Hall, Brian J., Annan, Jeannie, Bolton, Paul, Bass, Judy. Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice[J]. ANXIETY STRESS AND COPING, 2018, 31(4), 459-474.
Authors:  Wachter, Karin;  Murray, Sarah M.;  Hall, Brian J.;  Annan, Jeannie;  Bolton, Paul; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:2.3/3.8 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Social Support  Stigma  Mental Health  Refugees  Displaced Populations  
Mental health interventions and priorities for research for adult survivors of torture and systematic violence: a review of the literature Journal article
Weiss WM, Ana M. Uguento, Zayan Mahmooth, Laura K. Murray, Brian J. Hall, Maya Nadison, Andrew Rasmussen, Jennifer S. Lee, Andrea Vazzano, Judy Bass, Paul Bolton. Mental health interventions and priorities for research for adult survivors of torture and systematic violence: a review of the literature[J]. Torture Journal: Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture, 2016, 26(1), 17-44.
Authors:  Weiss WM;  Ana M. Uguento;  Zayan Mahmooth;  Laura K. Murray;  Brian J. Hall; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2020/03/05
Torture  Mental Health  Stress Disorders  Post-traumatic  Depression  Anxiety  Outcome Assessment  
Mental health interventions and priorities for research for adult survivors of torture and systematic violence: a review of the literature Journal article
William M. Weiss, Ana M. Uguento, Zayan Mahmooth, Laura K. Murray, Brian J. Hall, Maya Nadison, Andrew Rasmussen, Jennifer S. Lee, Andrea Vazzano, Judy Bass, Paul Bolton. Mental health interventions and priorities for research for adult survivors of torture and systematic violence: a review of the literature[J]. Torture, 2016, 26(1), 17-44.
Authors:  William M. Weiss;  Ana M. Uguento;  Zayan Mahmooth;  Laura K. Murray;  Brian J. Hall; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:40 | Submit date:2019/08/13
Torture  Mental Health  Stress Disorders  Post-traumatic  Depression  Anxiety  Outcome Assessment