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Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramming in breast cancer Journal article
Di L.-J., Byun J.S., Wong M.M., Wakano C., Taylor T., Bilke S., Baek S., Hunter K., Yang H., Lee M., Zvosec C., Khramtsova G., Cheng F., Perou C.M., Miller C.R., Raab R., Olopade O.I., Gardner K.. Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramming in breast cancer[J]. Nature Communications, 2013, 4.
Authors:  Di L.-J.;  Byun J.S.;  Wong M.M.;  Wakano C.;  Taylor T.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:103 TC[Scopus]:109 | Submit date:2018/12/21
Transcriptional autoregulation by BRCA1 Journal article
De Siervi A., De Luca P., Byun J.S., Di L.J., Fufa T., Haggerty C.M., Vazquez E., Moiola C., Longo D.L., Gardner K.. Transcriptional autoregulation by BRCA1[J]. Cancer Research, 2010, 70(2), 532-542.
Authors:  De Siervi A.;  De Luca P.;  Byun J.S.;  Di L.J.;  Fufa T.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:60 TC[Scopus]:62 | Submit date:2018/12/21