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Forkhead box O transcription factors as possible mediators in the development of major depression Journal article
Wang, HT, Quirion, R, Little, PJ, Cheng, YF, Feng, ZP, Sun, HS, Xu, JP, Zheng, WH. Forkhead box O transcription factors as possible mediators in the development of major depression[J]. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY, 2015, 99, 527-537.
Authors:  Wang, HT;  Quirion, R;  Little, PJ;  Cheng, YF;  Feng, ZP; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:46 TC[Scopus]:54  IF:4.6/4.5 | Submit date:2019/01/10
Foxo  Neurogenesis  Neuronal Atrophy  Major Depression  Pi3k/akt  
Development of a high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass method for determination of bis(7)-tacrine, a promising anti-Alzheimer’s dimer, in rat blood Journal article
Yu, H, Ho, JMK, Kan, KKW, Cheng, BWH, Li, WM, Zhang, L, Lin, G, Pang, YP, Gu, ZM, Chan, K, Wang, YT, Han, YF. Development of a high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass method for determination of bis(7)-tacrine, a promising anti-Alzheimer’s dimer, in rat blood[J]. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS, 2007, 44(5), 1133-1138.
Authors:  Yu, H;  Ho, JMK;  Kan, KKW;  Cheng, BWH;  Li, WM; et al.
View | Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:3.1/3.1 | Submit date:2018/11/01
Bis(7)-tacrine  Dimer  Alzheimer's Disease  Hplc-ms/ms  Drug Monitoring  Pharmacokinetics