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Serial analysis of plasma proteomic signatures in pediatric patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome and correlation with viral load Journal article
Poon T.C.W., Chan K.C.A., Ng P.-C., Chiu R.W.K., Ang I.L., Tong Y.-K., Ng E.K.O., Cheng F.W.T., Li A.M., Hon E.K.L., Fok T.-F., Lo Y.M.D.. Serial analysis of plasma proteomic signatures in pediatric patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome and correlation with viral load[J]. Clinical Chemistry, 2004, 50(8), 1452-1455.
Authors:  Poon T.C.W.;  Chan K.C.A.;  Ng P.-C.;  Chiu R.W.K.;  Ang I.L.; et al.
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