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Development of online high-/low-pH reversed-phase-reversed-phase two-dimensional liquid chromatography for shotgun proteomics: A reversed-phase-strong cation exchange-reversed-phase approach Journal article
Ricky P.W. Kong, S.O. Siu, Simon S.M. Lee, Clive Lo, Ivan K. Chu. Development of online high-/low-pH reversed-phase-reversed-phase two-dimensional liquid chromatography for shotgun proteomics: A reversed-phase-strong cation exchange-reversed-phase approach[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2011, 1218(23), 3681.
Authors:  Ricky P.W. Kong;  S.O. Siu;  Simon S.M. Lee;  Clive Lo;  Ivan K. Chu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:47 TC[Scopus]:48 | Submit date:2018/10/30
High-/low-ph Rp-rp  Liquid Chromatography  Mdlc  Proteomics  Rp-scx-rp  Two-dimensional