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Obesity increases the risk of depression in children and adolescents: Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal article
Rao,Wen Wang, Zong,Qian Qian, Zhang,Ji Wen, An,Feng Rong, Jackson,Todd, Ungvari,Gabor S., Xiang,Yifan, Su,Ying Ying, D'Arcy,Carl, Xiang,Yu Tao. Obesity increases the risk of depression in children and adolescents: Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020, 267, 78-85.
Authors:  Rao,Wen Wang;  Zong,Qian Qian;  Zhang,Ji Wen;  An,Feng Rong;  Jackson,Todd; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:117 TC[Scopus]:129  IF:4.9/5.4 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Depression  Obesity  Overweight  Adolescents  Systematic Review  
Depression risk and body mass index among immigrants and non-immigrants in Canada: results from the Canadian Community Health Surveys, 2010–2014 Journal article
Su, Yingying, Rao, Wenwang, D’Arcy, Carl. Depression risk and body mass index among immigrants and non-immigrants in Canada: results from the Canadian Community Health Surveys, 2010–2014[J]. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2020, 55(10), 1283-1295.
Authors:  Su, Yingying;  Rao, Wenwang;  D’Arcy, Carl
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:3.6/4.5 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Body Mass Index  Depression  Dose Response  Immigrant  Restricted Spline Function  
Resilience and protective factors among people with a history of child maltreatment: a systematic review Journal article
Meng, Xiangfei, Fleury, Marie-Josee, Xiang, Yu-Tao, Li, Muzi, D'Arcy, Carl. Resilience and protective factors among people with a history of child maltreatment: a systematic review[J]. SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2018, 53(5), 453-475.
Authors:  Meng, Xiangfei;  Fleury, Marie-Josee;  Xiang, Yu-Tao;  Li, Muzi;  D'Arcy, Carl
Favorite | TC[WOS]:169 TC[Scopus]:180  IF:3.6/4.5 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Child Abuse  Depression  Anxiety Disorders  Resilience  Protective Factors