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The self-esteem, goal orientation, and health-related physical fitness of active and inactive adolescent students Journal article
Ahmed,Md Dilsad, Ho,Walter King Yan, Van Niekerk,Rudolph Leon, Morris,Tony, Elayaraja,M., Lee,Ki Cheon, Randles,Edel. The self-esteem, goal orientation, and health-related physical fitness of active and inactive adolescent students[J]. Cogent Psychology, 2017, 4(1).
Authors:  Ahmed,Md Dilsad;  Ho,Walter King Yan;  Van Niekerk,Rudolph Leon;  Morris,Tony;  Elayaraja,M.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:30 TC[Scopus]:37  IF:1.6/1.7 | Submit date:2019/08/14
Active And inActive Adolescence  Goal Orientation  Health Behavior  Physical Fitness  Self-esteem