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A Novel Rank Approximation Method for Mixture Noise Removal of Hyperspectral Images Journal article
Ye, Hailiang, Li, Hong, Yang, Bing, Cao, Feilong, Tang, Yuanyan. A Novel Rank Approximation Method for Mixture Noise Removal of Hyperspectral Images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(7), 4457-4469.
Authors:  Ye, Hailiang;  Li, Hong;  Yang, Bing;  Cao, Feilong;  Tang, Yuanyan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:29  IF:7.5/7.6 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Denoising  Hyperspectral Images (Hsis)  Low Rank  Remote Sensing  Smooth Approximation  
Proceedings of Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing Workshops Conference proceedings
Shanghai, China, 2008
Authors:  Minyi Guo;  Zhijun Wang;  Feilong Tang;  Cheng-Zhong Xu
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/05/30