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Demographic and clinical profile of patients with dementia receiving electroconvulsive therapy a case-control study Journal article
Zhang Q.-E., Sha S., Ungvari G.S., Chiu H.F.K., Ng C.H., He H.-B., Forester B.P., Xiang Y.-T.. Demographic and clinical profile of patients with dementia receiving electroconvulsive therapy a case-control study[J]. Journal of ECT, 2016, 32(3), 183-186.
Authors:  Zhang Q.-E.;  Sha S.;  Ungvari G.S.;  Chiu H.F.K.;  Ng C.H.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:9 | Submit date:2018/12/18
Aggression  Dementia  Electroconvulsive Therapy  Suicide  
Electroconvulsive therapy added to non-clozapine antipsychotic medication for treatment resistant schizophrenia: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal article
Zheng W., Cao X.-L., Ungvari G.S., Xiang Y.-Q., Guo T., Liu Z.-R., Wang Y.-Y., Forester B.P., Seiner S.J., Xiang Y.-T.. Electroconvulsive therapy added to non-clozapine antipsychotic medication for treatment resistant schizophrenia: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials[J]. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(6).
Authors:  Zheng W.;  Cao X.-L.;  Ungvari G.S.;  Xiang Y.-Q.;  Guo T.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:39 TC[Scopus]:45 | Submit date:2018/12/18