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Bayesian Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring (in the Virtual Poster Session of CSIC Distinguished Lecture) Presentation
会议地点: University of Cambridge (Zoom), 报告日期: 2020-06-23
Authors:  Kuok, S. C.;  Yuen, K. V.;  Girolami, M.;  Roberts, S.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/27
Bayesian Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring and Beyond Presentation
会议地点: University of Cambridge, 报告日期: 2020-05-21
Authors:  Kuok, S. C.;  Yuen, K. V.;  Roberts, S.;  Girolami, M.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/27
Bayesian Intelligent Framework for Finite Element Modelling and Updating Presentation
会议地点: University of Cambridge, 报告日期: 2020-01-30
Authors:  ; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/27