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Analysis of the molecular mechanism of Pudilan (PDL) treatment for COVID-19 by network pharmacology tools Journal article
Kong,Qi, Wu,Yue, Gu,Yu, Lv,Qi, Qi,Feifei, Gong,Shuran, Chen,Xiuping. Analysis of the molecular mechanism of Pudilan (PDL) treatment for COVID-19 by network pharmacology tools[J]. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2020, 128.
Authors:  Kong,Qi;  Wu,Yue;  Gu,Yu;  Lv,Qi;  Qi,Feifei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:39 TC[Scopus]:38  IF:6.9/6.8 | Submit date:2021/03/01
Covid-19  Network Pharmacology  Sars-cov-2 Infection  Targeted Therapy  Traditional Chinese Herbs