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Impact of c-JUN deficiency on thalamus development in mice and human neural models Journal article
Shi, Jiantao, Chen, Qing, Lai, Jianheng, Zhu, Jieying, Zhang, Ran, Mazid, Md Abdul, Li, Dongwei, Su, Huanxing, Qin, Dajiang. Impact of c-JUN deficiency on thalamus development in mice and human neural models[J]. Cell and Bioscience, 2024, 14(1), 149.
Authors:  Shi, Jiantao;  Chen, Qing;  Lai, Jianheng;  Zhu, Jieying;  Zhang, Ran; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:6.1/7.0 | Submit date:2025/01/13
C-jun  Ap-1  Npc  Cerebral Organoids  Thalamus Organoids  Neural Development  
Lycorine protects motor neurons against TDP-43 proteinopathy-induced degeneration in cross-species models with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal article
Wen, Jing, Li, Yunhao, Qin, Yanzhu, Yan, Lingli, Zhang, Ke, Li, Ang, Wang, Ziying, Yu, Feng, Lai, Jianheng, Yang, Wei, Liu, Yong U., Qin, Dajiang, Su, Huanxing. Lycorine protects motor neurons against TDP-43 proteinopathy-induced degeneration in cross-species models with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis[J]. Pharmacological Research, 2024, 210, 107518.
Authors:  Wen, Jing;  Li, Yunhao;  Qin, Yanzhu;  Yan, Lingli;  Zhang, Ke; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:9.1/9.0 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Als  Tdp-43 Proteinopathy  Lycorine  Ups  Motor Neurons  Piceatanno l (Pubchem Cid: 667639)  Tubeimoside i (Pubchem Cid: 51346132)  Lycorine (Pubchem Cid: 72378)  Isoginkgetin (Pubchem Cid: 5318569)  Cycloheximide (Pubchem Cid: 6197)  Mg-132 (Pubchem Cid: 462382)  Bortezomib (Pubchem Cid: 387447)  Chloroquine (Pubchem Cid: 2719)  Bafilomycin A1 (Pubchem Cid: 6436223)  H89 (Pubchem Cid: 449241)